Gorgeous nails thanks to Sally!

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Unfortunately I've not been blessed with beautiful nails naturally...

To be completely honest I am always just a teensy bit jealous when I see other people with naturally gorgeous nails. However I can still have lovely nails I just have to work a bit harder at it. So don't lose hope if you have the same problem :)

Of course being a makeup artist and working in retail my hands are always on show so it is important  for me always keep them looking at their best. Personally I think as long as you have neatly manicured hands it doesn't matter whether your nails are short or long.

Over the years I have tried LOTS & LOTS of nail products - each one offering me a miracle and some deliver better than others.

 Sally Hansen Nail Treatments

I've come to trust Sally Hansen products, so if you haven't tried this American range you need to check them out. They have been around for a long time and continually bringing out new products.

There is a wide range of nail care products including plenty to help encourage nail growth as well as lots of fun nail polishes. 

I've just stocked up lots of the treatments as they are currently 70% off at work. I've keep you posted on how my 'Longer, stronger, harder nails' are coming along over the next few weeks.

Have you got any tips to share on getting better looking nails?  I'm always interested to hear what other people use/do!

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